Tuesday, September 6, 2011

Naked Dinner

Perhaps what I am about to divulge is crazy and, well, just plain wrong. But it's something I have to get off my chest. I often eat dinner naked. Okay, not totally naked, but damn close to it. And what's even more curious? I'm never eating anything "sexy" when I do this.

My dinners of choice (or more frequently, of necessity) are frozen Indian meals from Trader Joe's, leftovers from school (think braised short ribs, fried sweetbreads, orange duck...) or miscellaneous, hidden pantry items.

Tonight I slipped into my apartment, slopped my bags on the floor, stripped off my rain-ridden clothes and ate this:

It is quite the anomaly that a registered dietitian who attends culinary school would consume Cheetos (hey--at least they're baked) and Tastykakes for dinner. My only hope is that exposing this dirty secret will force me to think twice the next time I blindly ravage my kitchen for a quick meal. I guess we all need a little help, sometimes.