Sunday, March 7, 2010

Hummus, Deconstructed

I will now refer to my thesaurus to use all the synonymns of "angry" that exist to describe tonight's debacle: acrimonious, choleric, heated, indignant, irate, ireful, mad, pissed, pissed-off, shirty, waxy, wrathful, wrathy, wroth, wrothful, wrothy...

Okay, you get the point.

I filled my food chopper with all the fixins for a terrific hummus: chick peas, tahini, lemon juice, extra virgin olive oil, garlic, parsley, salt, pepper, cumin, and chili powder. I hit the pulse button, and nothing happened. Hit it again. Nothing. Switched to another outlet. No go. Moved parts around, making sure everything was locked in. It was dead.

And so is born "hummus, deconstructed," which was really just a big mistake.

Combine ingredients listed above (you should mince or grate the garlic and tear up the parsley). That's it! I am actually quite surprised at how good it was. I even whipped up some homemade whole wheat pita chips that were delicious and simple: cut pita bread into triangles, toss with olive oil, salt, pepper, cumin, and chili powder (same flavors in the "hummus") and bake in a 400-degree oven for about 10-12 minutes or until golden brown and crispy.

1 comment:

  1. As they say, necessity is the motherhood of invention...
