Monday, March 22, 2010

Turkey Bolognese

Ever since I bought my dad a meat grinder for Christmas, it seems my family has become one big infommercial for the contraption. There is absolutely little comparison between store-bought ground meat and meat that you grind yourself at home.

Unfortunately, I still do not own such mechanics.

But that doesn't mean I can't make a good bolognese (meat sauce) that comes close (but definitely not as close) to my mom's, which she makes with freshly ground beef.

Finely dice carrots, celery, and onions and sweat (cook gently without browning) until tender, about 10 minutes. Add minced garlic and cook for a minute or so. Squirt in some tomato paste and stir it around for another minute. Splash red wine into the pot and allow to reduce, concentrating the flavor. Now add the meat; I used ground turkey breast, but you could also substitute with ground chicken or lean beef (remember, this is a healthy recipe). Break up the meat with a wooden spoon and cook it gently so that it crumbles but does not develop a crust. Now add a can of tomato sauce, preferrably without added salt, and let the meat sauce hang out on low heat for about 30 minutes, stirring occasionally.

Pour the sauce over your favorite pasta, and garnish with grated parmigiano reggiano and fresh parsley.

Mama would be proud, but I can't wait to enjoy her version again. In the mean time, this should definitely hold me over.


  1. you'll never guessMarch 23, 2010 at 8:02 PM

    That picture looks delish! Paps made it with ground turkey-93% lean last Friday and it was really awesome! I was just telling him that I think that's my new favorite pasta dish!

  2. Love the fresh parsley - I made a similar dish last night (w/o the fresh parsley) and instead of pasta, I served it over brown rice. Ground turkey breast, onions, black beans and a bit of red wine, seasoned with Goya "Complete Seasoning"...which leads to Questions: (1) I've heard "MSG" is not good, why?
    (2) Do you find ground turkey to be "grittier" than ground chicken? Which is a healthier choice?

  3. It's definitely one of my favorites, too!

    To answer your questions, Gina: there is a lack of solid evidence for me to take a firm stance either for or against MSG. It has been claimed that MSG can cause a plethora of ailments, from anxiety attacks to headaches. My recommendation is that if you consume something with MSG--or anything, for that matter--and experience an adverse reaction, you should consider eliminating that food from your diet. A few weeks later, re-initiate the food and reassess for any detrimental effects.

    As far as grittiness, I find both ground turkey and chicken to be similar. They are both healthy choices, just make sure the leanest parts of the poultry are being used to make the product. Choose ground turkey/chicken breast, and check the food label and pick the item with the lowest amount of saturated fat.
