Tuesday, March 8, 2011

Orthodontist: Weight-Loss Expert?

I have no desire to discuss the trendy weight-loss method that is described in yesterday's New York Times article (link below). The reason for this brief post is to point out one important section that could easily be overlooked.

In the 13th paragraph on page one, the writer mentions Jacqueline Fulop-Goodling. She is an orthodontist, which is a person who, according to the Oxford dictionary, specializes the treatment of irregularities in the teeth and jaw. "Dr. Fulop-Goodling...counsels patients" on a weight-loss diet that combines the use of injectable hCG, a pregnancy hormone, and a strict 500-calorie-per-day diet. I am having a hard time understanding why an orthodontist would provide dietary advice. You don't see me slapping braces on little childrens' mouths, now do you?

I highly recommend that if you do undergo any type of radical or non-traditional method to lose weight, you do your research. Understand the evidence and science behind not only the strategy, but the person who is dolling out advice.
